Your story matters.

Challenge, change, inspire! Tell us your story and let us amplify your voice!

Katalin Cseh

"Representation of a community is what makes politics real."

Why join politics? Why does representation matter? Watch the introductory video of Cseh Katalin!


Boris Dittrich

Boris Dittrich from D66, is a member of the Senate of the Netherlands. Dittrich was the first openly gay member of parliament focusing on LGBTQI+ rights. In 1994 he proposed the introduction of marriage equality legislation in the Netherlands. After a long campaign and despite fierce opposition from various groups, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to introduce marriage equality. He remained a strong advocate for human rights and has continued the fight for equality ever since he took public office.


Pierre Karleskind

Pierre Karleskind is a member of the European Parliament for En Marche and Renew Europe. As he is a member of the European Parliament Intergroup on LGBTI Rights, he has invested part of his life in restoring equality in Europe and being the voice for the oppressed.

After the European Commission has been silent following the attacks against the LGBTQI+ community in Poland, Karleskind mobilized 64 MEPs to officially refer the matter to the European Union’s executive arm. He says: “The European Union cannot stand idly by in the face of provocation.”


Abir Al-Sahlani

Abir Al-Sahlani is a Swedish Member of the European Parliament representing the Centerpartiet. Abir and her party are firm believers in equal rights and fair opportunities. The MEP advocates for more LGBTQI+ people to be the driving force in politics for anti-discrimination, human rights, and equality for all.


Thom Van Campen

Thom Van Campen is a member of the Dutch parliament for VVD since 2021. He has been deeply connected with the issue of freedom and minority rights since he joined politics on a local level. Now national, he is a true role model in the liberal fight for LGBTQI+ rights in Europe.


Robbin Van Pelt

Robbin Van Pelt is a campaign advisor for D66.
By working in a liberal party he is constantly looking for representation opportunities and equal treatment for politicians and members alike.


Lisa van Ginneken

Lisa van Ginneken is a Dutch member of parliament for D66. She is the first transgender person to be elected into the House of Representatives in the Netherlands. She has been fighting for equal rights before taking office and had previously served as chair of the organization Transvisie.

We are proud to be working with her on Rainbow Platform: get to know her in our video!


Milosz Hodun

We are proud not only to have politicians as ambassadors of Rainbow Platform but party officials and civil activists also. Milosz Hodun, from the Polish liberal party Nowoczesna, started working in politics to represent those who feel lost in their community, who search for familiar stories in leadership. He also fights for equal rights on a European level as a member of the Board of Directors of the European Liberal Forum.






Tell your own story.